Airslide fabric is a specialized material used for pneumatic conveying of bulk powders in industries such as cement, flour milling, and chemical processing. It consists of permeable fabric layers that allow air to pass through, creating a fluid-like state that moves bulk powders towards their destination. Installing airslide fabric is a critical process for ensuring efficient, safe pneumatic conveying.

Pre-installation Preparation

Before installing airslide fabric, it is essential to make sure that all the necessary equipment and materials are on hand. Here is a checklist of what you will need:

  • Airslide fabric
  • Scissors or cutter
  • Cloth Measurement tape
  • Hardboard or wooden board
  • Hammer and nails
  • Adhesive

Installing Airslide Fabric :Five Step-By-Step Guide

It is helpful to have a clear understanding of the process and any safety precautions that must be taken during installation.

Measuring the Airslide Fabric

The first step in installing airslide fabric is to measure the area that needs to be covered. This can be done by using a cloth measurement tape and measuring the width and length of the area. Once the dimensions have been recorded, the airslide fabric can be cut to fit.

Mounting the Hardboard on the Channel

Before laying the airslide fabric, it is essential to provide proper support for the material. This is done by mounting a hardboard or wooden board on the channel’s base to create a flat surface over which the airslide fabric can be fitted. The hardboard or wood board must be cut to the required dimensions and secured in place using nails or adhesive.

Laying the Airslide Fabric on the Hardboard

Now that the hardboard is in place, it is time to lay the airslide fabric on top. Start by measuring the fabric to fit the dimensions of the channel, making sure to leave some extra on all sides to ensure a tight fit. Once the fabric has been trimmed, use adhesive to attach it to the hardboard, making sure there are no wrinkles or creases.

Fixing the Airslide Fabric on Top

After the airslide fabric has been correctly positioned and glued onto the hardboard, the next step is to fix it in place. This is done by using nails or adhesive to attach the fabric to the channel’s walls. Make sure to tightly secure the fabric to prevent any movement or shifting.

Finishing the Installation

The final step in installing airslide fabric is to trim any excess material and test the system for leaks or other issues. Once the installation has been completed and tested, it is critical to regularly inspect the airslide fabric for wear and tear, as replacing damaged material is essential for maintaining efficient and safe pneumatic conveying.

Safety Precautions When Installing Airslide Fabric

Wear protective gloves and eyewearProtects hands and eyes from potential injuries from adhesive or other materials
Work with a partnerEnsures safety and provides assistance when handling large or heavy materials
Secure equipment and materialsPrevents accidents caused by falling or shifting materials
Follow manufacturer’s instructionsEnsures proper installation and safe use of the equipment

Tips for Successful Installation of Airslide Fabric

  • Ensure that the area to be covered is clean and dry before installation.
  • Use a cloth tape measure to obtain accurate measurements.
  • Cut the airslide fabric into the correct size and shape before installation.
  • Make sure the airslide fabric is positioned evenly and free of wrinkles or creases.
  • Regularly inspect the airslide fabric for wear and tear and replace it immediately if any damage is found.


In conclusion, installing airslide fabric is a critical process for ensuring efficient and safe pneumatic conveying. By following the steps outlined in this article, and taking the necessary precautions, you can install airslide fabric successfully and maintain it properly to ensure the system’s longevity and optimal performance.